Explore Leiths Diploma Open House – 5th June 2024


Steak With A Red Wine Sauce


Serves 4

4 steaks, about 2.5cm thick, the cut of your choice
Oil and clarified butter, to fry the steaks
1 orange
200ml red wine
1 thyme sprig
200ml well-flavoured, gelatinous brown chicken and veal stock
Salt and freshly ground black pepper


  1. Cook the steaks in a sauté pan, in oil and clarified butter heated until foaming, according to your preference, then remove from the pan and set aside to rest for 3–4 minutes.
  2. While the steaks are cooking, finely pare a strip of zest from the orange with a vegetable peeler.
  3. Deglaze the sauté pan with the wine, scraping the base well. Add the thyme and orange zest and let bubble to reduce by at least two-thirds.
  4. Add the stock and bring back to the boil, then turn the heat down and simmer for 2–3 minutes. Taste and season with salt and pepper.
  5. Strain the sauce into a jug and pour around the steaks to serve.


Madeira sauce Omit the orange zest and substitute Madeira for the red wine. Reduce to 50ml before adding the stock and seasoning. A knob of butter (10g)can be used to monter the sauce. This sauce works well with beef or veal steaks, or chicken breasts.
Port and wild mushroom sauce After removing the cooked steaks, add 30g butter to the sauté pan and sauté 225g prepared wild mushrooms until golden. Remove the mushrooms and set aside. Add 200ml port to the pan and reduce by two-thirds. Finally, add the stock and simmer until syrupy, then season and return the mushrooms to the pan to reheat. This sauce works well with beef steaks, chicken or game.