Hear all about Leiths Education’s new range of qualifications and courses. We now offer practical cookery from KS1 – KS5
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Welcome to Leiths Academy

Leiths Academy is the home of excellence in cookery teaching.Whether you have a cookery department or no facilities at all, we can help you teach your young people how to cook. All you need is to believe in the power of cookery and the importance of teaching children and young adults how to cook. We can help you do the rest.

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Who We Are

In 1996 Leiths Academy was established to bring Prue Leith’s visionary Leiths School of Food & Wine ethos and cooking methods to school-age students across the UK. Leiths Academy provides high quality cookery lessons for students aged 10 to 18 for delivery at school, home or in the community, enabling everyone to discover their culinary potential. There are currently almost 30 Leiths Academy Schools across the UK, and this number is growing fast.

We offer accredited cookery qualifications and life-skills cookery courses for pupils from 10 years of age for enjoyment, employment and life. Our practical hands-on lessons champion cooking from scratch in every session.

As a Leiths Academy School, teachers and students benefit from a complete package of resources and support developed by our experienced team of Leiths cookery teachers.

Life at Leiths Academy

Our Courses

Leiths Academy offer a portfolio of hands-on immersive cookery courses designed by Leiths for students at school, home or in the community. It is a complete package of cookery learning, designed and run by our experienced team of cookery teachers who understand the joys and challenges of teaching practical cookery. It is also a positive and caring cookery community where no question is too small, and everyone is supported to achieve their very best.

As a Leiths Academy School, you gain access to all our cookery courses and can choose the best fit for your timetabling requirements and long-term strategic goals. We recognise that every school and student is different, and our courses have been designed to be flexible to suit your individual needs.

Academy Portal

Leiths Academy cookery courses sit within our bespoke interactive digital portal which has been purpose built for Leiths Academy. It allows easy access to all teacher and student resources including a wide range of skills videos for viewing either in or outside of the classroom.

Students and teachers can access the portal via their phone, tablet or computer to record photo evidence of all their cooking as well as weekly evaluations and coursework. A unique colour coded student tracker monitors weekly progress, which is an invaluable teacher resource for parents meetings and report writing.

Why Cookery?

If you can cook from scratch, you can do so much more than just feed yourself, your family and friends. You can be fitter and healthier; you can learn a whole range of transferable life skills such as budgeting, organisation, and timekeeping; you can become a highly valued employee in a huge range of sectors including hospitality, food production, education, retail, journalism and more.

We understand how challenging and daunting it can be to learn how to cook; especially where so many schools and settings do not have the space or the staff to deliver practical cookery lessons. This is why Leiths Academy is leading the way to enable young people to enjoy a hands-on cookery curriculum.

Why Leiths Academy?

As a Leiths Academy School, you gain access to all our cookery courses and can choose the best fit for your community. As experienced teachers ourselves, we recognize that every school and pupil is different, and our courses have been designed to be flexible to your individual needs. Whether you have an established cookery department or no facilities at all, we can help you teach your young people how to cook.

Leiths Academy is a complete cookery package. Every course comes complete with a detailed scheme of work and each session is supported with lesson plans and student notes; fully tested recipes and step-by-step skills videos; scalable shopping lists and ordering requirements. We also undertake all marking and internal verification of coursework and a Leiths visiting teacher will come to your school in person to manage and mark all practical assessments. Our unique, interactive portal is designed for safe and secure submission of coursework as well as all visual and written evidence on a week-by-week basis making the end of course submissions to our awarding body seamless and providing teachers with an excellent tracking tool.

Leiths Academy is all about enabling schools to deliver exceptional cookery teaching.

Our School's Stories

Leiths Academy prides itself on being a supportive cookery community and is proud of the achievements made by our schools across the UK. We work closely with our teachers and students and build long lasting positive relationships with all our Academy Schools.

Working with You

Whether you are looking for an accredited academic cookery qualification to help your students on their way to a career in food and drink, or a life skills cookery course to give them the skills and confidence to cook at home or abroad, we have something for you.

Leiths Academy provides high quality cookery lessons for students aged 10 and above for delivery at school, home or in the community enabling everyone to discover their culinary potential. Let Leiths open the door to a lifetime of cooking.

The experienced Leiths Academy team can even help you upgrade and improve an existing cookery facility, or design and manage a complete new build. We can provide expert guidance and advice in a wide range of areas.

Contact Us

To learn more about Leiths Academy, our courses or for any opportunities please contact us using the form below.

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Leiths Academy Blog & Updates

Here is a taste of some Leiths Academy real-life stories as well as how-tos, recipes, news and cookery tips. Browse our extensive library of Leiths resources.